Brad and Angie's $150,000 Nanny

Saturday, April 23, 2011

f you've got millions of dollars to throw around, you might as well treat your kids well, right? That seems to be the philosophy of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, who have decided they're going to pay a nanny around $150,000 to take care of their six, yes six(!), kids.

On paper, $150,000 seems ridiculous, what when countless teachers, firemen and police officers are making half that amount. But some simple math shows that the nanny will only be making $17 an hour, when you account for the fact that she'll be relied on for round-the-clock service. Besides, as an insider close to the family explains to The Sun, this is "a coveted position" we're talking about.

That same source explained the need for a super-nanny: "At the moment they have six nannies - one for each of the kids," he said. Now that's one crowded home!

If you're hoping to apply for the job, you should know that Brad and Angie are demanding the nanny speak multiple languages, while holding a degree in education or child development. She also must be able to sing, dance, fly, and do magic. OK fine, that last part isn't true. But hell, even Mary Poppins didn't make $150,000.


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