Stars Aligned: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Robert Pattinson: Taurus, born May 13, 1986
Kristen Stewart: Aries, born April 9, 1990

 Rob and Kristen aren't saying whether they're actually seeing each other, but with a sneaking suspicion that these two are putting some extracurricular work into practicing those upcoming Breaking Dawn honeymoon scenes, we decided to run their star charts anyway.

Rob is a Taurus, which means he's the three S's: sane, stable and stubborn. And that's great because you don't have to be psychic to realize that Kristen could use some stability in her life. The willful Aries' fiery ways are just as likely to burn bridges as they are to ignite the passion of her icy cool vampire boy. But hey that's why this couple works: fire and ice. It almost makes that wince-inducing reading of Robert Frost at the beginning of Eclipse seem excusable... almost.

The Good: Good news Robsten fans. If these two are already together, it's going to take more than paparazzi pot shots to tear them apart. The fire sign/earth sign pairing can fizzle faster than the box office take for Remember Me, but if the two successfully find common ground, the partnership that can produce Twilight level dividends.

Check the interviews to see the two personalities at work.

Rob takes even annoying interviews in stride, openly acknowledging the silliness inherent in his own celebrity as a vampire heartthrob. It's classic fixed sign stuff. He's down-to-earth, funny, and stubbornly unflappable. On the other hand, Kristen is a powder keg waiting to blow when she's interviewed alone. She's quick to annoy, partial to four-letter words and treats her fame like a major pain in the ass.

But get these two together, and the dynamic just evens out. The classic example is the Oprah interview where she asked them both point blank whether they were seeing each other and Rob quickly diffused the situation by joking that Kristen was pregnant.

The Bad: The Taurus/ Aries combo isn't a super-compatible one. Even after getting over that first hump in the relationship, this is the kind of thing that both partners are going to have to actively work at and manage as long as they're together. Rob could always decide he wants someone who isn't going to play strippers and rock stars just to explicitly distance herself from her Twilight persona, and Kristen could decide Rob is just too boring in real life.

In the Stars? If these two really are a couple, their charts suggest they're going to stay that way for a while. Kristen herself has admitted to the immediate attraction she felt toward Rob when they screen-tested together for Twilight. And really isn't that chemistry the real reason we've spent so much money on movie tickets and merchandise over the past three years?


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