Caity Lotz stars in MTV's upcoming thriller Death Valley. She took some time out to answer some random questions so you can know her a tad bit better.
When you looked in the mirror first thing this morning, what was the first thing you thought?
“Thank you for being on my face freckles, I’m sorry I used to hate you.”
Last song you listened to?
“Tide is High” by Blondie
Last show you watched?
“Medium” on Netflix. I love Patricia Arquette.
Last movie you saw?
"The Shift" with Dr. Wayne Dyer.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Chips and Guacamole and lots of it.
Any secret talents?
I have a birthmark that disappears and turns purple when I’m cold. Some might not consider that a talent, but can your birthmark do that?
What is one thing you are afraid of?
Clogged sinks and the thought of having to stick my hand down there.
Dream Vacation if money was no object:
An expedition around the world where you have guides in each country that teach you about the culture and environment.
If you had the last $100 in the world, how would you spend it?
I’d burn it and be happy to try the world out with the bartering system. Acting for a bag potatoes…amazing!
If you had to create your own rules on your own island, what would be the first rule?
Our constitution is John Lennon’s “Imagine” and we live as one.
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